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Configuration Files > cache.config
The cache.config file defines how the proxy caches Web objects. You can add caching rules to specify the following configuration:
After you modify this file, run content_line -x from the Content Gateway bin directory (/opt/WCG/bin) to apply the changes. When you apply the changes to a node in a cluster, Content Gateway applies the changes to all nodes in the cluster.
Each line in the cache.config file contains a caching rule. Content Gateway recognizes three space-delimited tags:
primary_destination=value secondary_specifier=value action=value
Secondary specifiers are optional in the cache.config file. The following table lists the possible secondary specifiers and their allowed values.
never-cache configures the proxy to never cache specified objects.
ignore-no-cache configures the proxy to ignore all Cache-Control: no-cache headers.
ignore-client-no-cache configures the proxy to ignore Cache-Control: no-cache headers from client requests.
ignore-server-no-cache configures the proxy to ignore Cache-Control: no-cache headers from origin server responses.
d for days (for example 2d)
h for hours (for example, 10h)
m for minutes (for example, 5m)
s for seconds (for example, 20s)
The following example configures the proxy to never cache FTP documents requested from the IP address
The following example configures the proxy to keep documents with URLs that contain the regular expression politics and the path prefix/viewpoint in the cache for 12 hours:
The following example configures the proxy to revalidate gif and jpeg objects in the domain mydomain.com every 6 hours and all other objects in mydomain.com every hour:

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Configuration Files > cache.config