Explicit Proxy > Using a PAC file
If the HTTPS protocol option is enabled, see Running in explicit proxy mode, for information on a PAC file to use with HTTPS traffic.
If you have an existing wpad.dat file, replace the wpad.dat file located in the Content Gateway config directory with your existing file.
In the Auto-Configuration Port field, specify the port that Content Gateway uses to serve the PAC file. The default port is 8083.
The PAC Settings area displays the proxy.pac file:
If you copied an existing PAC file into the Content Gateway config directory, the proxy.pac file contains your proxy configuration settings. Check the settings and make changes if necessary.
If you did not copy an existing PAC file into the Content Gateway config directory, the PAC Settings area is empty. Enter the script that provides the proxy server configuration settings. A sample script is provided in Sample PAC file. See, also, the article titled "PAC File Best Practices" in the Websense Technical Library.
Click Apply.
Explicit Proxy > Using a PAC file