Configuration Options > My Proxy > UI Setup
Specifies how often Content Gateway manager refreshes the statistics on the Monitor pane. The default value is 30 seconds.
Enter the current password in the Old Password field. Enter the new password in the New Password field, re-enter it in the New Password (Retype) field, and then click Apply.
During installation, you select the administrator password. The installer automatically encrypts the password and stores the encryptions in the records.config file so that no one can read them. Each time you change the password in the Content Gateway manager, Content Gateway updates the records.config file. If you forget the administrator password and cannot access the Content Gateway manager, see Accessing the Content Gateway manager if you forget the master administrator password.
To create a new account, enter the user login in the New User field, and then enter the user password in the New Password field. Retype the user password in the New Password (Retype) field, and then click Apply.
Information for the new user is displayed in the table. From the Access drop-down list in the table, select the activities that the new user can perform (Monitor, Monitor and View Configuration, or Monitor and Modify Configuration). For more information about user accounts, see Creating a list of user accounts.
Displays a table listing the rules in the mgmt_allow.config file. Rules specify the remote hosts allowed to access the Content Gateway manager. The entries in this file ensure that only authenticated users can change configuration options and view performance and network traffic statistics.
Updates the table to display the most up-to-date rules in the mgmt_allow.config file.
Opens the configuration file editor so that you can edit and add rules to the mgmt_allow.config file.
Lists the mgmt_allow.config file rules. Select a rule to edit it. The buttons on the left of the box allow you to delete or move the selected rule up or down in the list. Content Gateway applies the rules in the order listed, starting from the top.
An ip_allow rule allows the remote hosts specified in the Source IP field to access the Content Gateway manager.
An ip_deny rule denies the remote hosts specified in the Source IP field access to the Content Gateway manager.
Configuration Options > My Proxy > UI Setup