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Security > Controlling access to the Content Gateway manager > Creating a list of user accounts
Creating a list of user accounts
Help | Content Gateway | Version 8.1.x
If a single administrator ID and password for the Content Gateway manager is not sufficient security for your needs, you can create a list of user accounts that define who has access to the Content Gateway manager and which activities they can perform.
Navigate to Configure > My Proxy > UI Setup > Login.
Passwords must be 8 to 15 characters and include at least one:
Supported characters include:
! # % & ' ( ) * + , - . / ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ { | } ~
The following special characters are not supported:
Space $ : ` \ "
Click Apply.
In the Access drop-down list of the user table, select which Content Gateway manager activities the user can perform:
Select No Access to disable Content Gateway manager access for the user.
Select Monitor Only to allow the user to view statistics from the Monitor tab only.
Select Monitor and View Configuration to allow the user to view statistics from the Monitor tab and to view configuration options from the Configure tab.
Select Monitor and Modify Configuration to allow the user to view statistics from the Monitor tab and to change configuration options from the Configure tab.
Click Apply.
Repeat Step 2 through Step 6 for each user allowed to access the Content Gateway manager.

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Security > Controlling access to the Content Gateway manager > Creating a list of user accounts
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