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Security > Controlling access to the Content Gateway manager > Setting the administrator ID and password
Setting the administrator ID and password
Help | Content Gateway | Version 8.1.x
During installation, you assign a password that controls administrative access to the Content Gateway manager. A user who logs on to the Content Gateway manager using the correct ID and password can view all the statistics on the Monitor tab and change any configuration options on the Configure tab.
You can change the administrator ID and password at any time.
Navigate to the Configure > My Proxy > UI Setup > Login tab.
To change the current administrator ID, type a new ID in the Login field of the Administrator section.
Passwords must be 8 to 15 characters and include at least one:
Supported characters include:
! # % & ' ( ) * + , - . / ; < = > ? @ [ ] ^ _ { | } ~
The following special characters are not supported:
Space $ : ` \ "
If you have forgotten the current administrator password, see Accessing the Content Gateway manager if you forget the master administrator password.
Click Apply.

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Security > Controlling access to the Content Gateway manager > Setting the administrator ID and password
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