Error Messages > HTML messages sent to clients
port_number is not an allowed port for SSL connections.
Could not connect to the server server_name.
An attempt was made to transparently proxy your request, but this attempt failed because your browser did not send an HTTP Host header. Manually configure your browser to use https:// proxy_name:proxy_port as an HTTP proxy. See your browser's documentation for details.
Alternatively, end users can upgrade to a browser that supports the HTTP Host header field.
Your browser did not send a Host HTTP header field and therefore the virtual host being requested could not be determined. To access this Web site correctly, you will need to upgrade to a browser that supports the HTTP Host header field.
The origin server server_name is using an unsupported version of the HTTP protocol.
The server hostname closed the connection before the transaction was completed.
Unable to provide the document URL in the format requested by your browser.
Could not connect to the server hostname.
Unable to locate the server named hostname. The server does not have a DNS entry. Perhaps there is a misspelling in the server name or the server no longer exists. Double-check the name and try again.
Cannot perform your request for the document URL because the protocol scheme is unknown.
Error Messages > HTML messages sent to clients