Logfile error: error_number
can't open config file filename for reading custom formats
Custom logging is enabled, but Content Gateway cannot find the logs.config file.
connect by disallowed client IP address, closing connection
log format symbol symbol_name not found
Unable to accept cluster connections on port: cluster_port_number
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Error accessing disk disk_name
Too many errors accessing disk disk_name: declaring disk bad
No cache disks specified in storage.config file: cache disabled
The Content Gateway storage.config file does not list any cache disks. Content Gateway is running in proxy-only mode. You must add the disks you want to use for the cache to the storage.config file (see storage.config).
No value is specified for the WCCP interface. In the Content Gateway manager, check Configure > Networking > WCCP > General, or assign a value to proxy.local.wccp2.ethernet_interface in records.config.
There is a format or configuration error in ipnat.conf. In the Content Gateway manager, go to Configure > Networking > ARM > General and click Edit File to view and correct ipnat.conf.