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Message Center
Message Center
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The Forcepoint Email Security Cloud Message Center is a powerful message tracking and management tool that provides access to all quarantined messages and message logs for your account.
To access the Message Center, select Email > Messages > Message Center. You are presented with a search form.
The search form lets you search for messages based on several layers of search criteria, such as the From, To, or Subject fields, the date sent, whether the message contained spam or a virus, and much more. The check box controls allow a granular search for clean email and/or those with an issue that caused Forcepoint Email Security Cloud to perform an action.
Select the type of message for which you are looking. If you search for accepted messages, only clean messages are returned; if you search for quarantined messages, only quarantined messages are returned. You can also search for messages that have had certain actions performed on them, for example messages that have been released, forwarded, or deleted from quarantine. Information on deleted messages still appears in the search results, even though they have been deleted from the quarantine itself and cannot be viewed.
Once a message it is viewed by an end user or administrator, it is marked as reviewed. If an end user has viewed a multi-recipient message, it is shown as partially reviewed. If an administrator views a multi-recipient message, it is shown as reviewed for all recipients.
Date sent
You must specify a date range to search. The more exact the date range, the faster a search completes. The default drop-down list allows you to choose common ranges; for more exact time ranges, click more and use the calendar picker.
Clicking more reveals the date range. From here you can specify exact dates and times (by the hour) to search. Click the calendar icon to open the calendar picker. Choose the date of interest by clicking the relevant date link. This closes the pop up and populates the appropriate field with the date. You can select the To and From hour from the drop-down lists. The default is to search all hours in the selected day.
The sender of the email; you can include a wildcard in the search by entering an asterisk (*) character to denote multiple characters.
The recipient of the email; you can include a wildcard in the search by entering an asterisk (*) character.
The email subject; you can include a wildcard in the search by entering an asterisk (*) character.
Email direction
Select the direction to search: Inbound, Outbound, or Both.
When you select Outbound, the Delivery status drop-down appears if TLS reporting is enabled for your account.
Results per page
The number of results to display per page.
Show deleted messages
Indicate whether you want deleted messages to be included in the search results.
Delivery status
Select the delivery status for outbound messages. The default is to search for all messages; you can filter on messages delivered with TLS, delivered without TLS, pending delivery, or delivery failed.
This option only appears if TLS reporting is enabled for your account and you select Outbound for the email direction.
Indicate whether you want uninfected, non-spam messages to be included in the search results.
Messages blocked by controls set up by Forcepoint Email Security Cloud operations in response to a virus outbreak.
ThreatSeeker Intelligence
Messages that contain potential viruses, identified by Forcepoint ThreatSeeker Intelligence but not yet identified by one of the commercial antivirus analyzers used within the Forcepoint Email Security Cloud service.
Messages that contain a virus, identified by Forcepoint ThreatSeeker Intelligence and subsequently confirmed by one of the commercial antivirus analyzers.
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Message Center
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