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Message Center > Understanding your results
Understanding your results
The query is hidden once a search has returned results. To show the query again, click Show Query near the top left of the page. The search results are explained below:
The score assigned by Forcepoint Email Security Cloud.
The action(s) applied to the message. If you click the Action link for a message, you can view other actions that may have been applied to the message. Possible actions are listed below this table.
Possible Actions
Accepted - The email was accepted and delivered.
Quarantined - The email was quarantined for the reason described by the issue.
Released - The email was quarantined, but a copy of the email has since been released to the recipients.
Release-pending - The email was quarantined and a copy of the email has been requested to be released to the recipients.
Release-failed - The email was quarantined and a release action was requested but it has failed.
Forwarded - The email was quarantined, but a copy has since been forward to a specified email address.
Forward-pending - The email was quarantined and a copy has been requested to be forwarded to a specified email address.
Forward-failed - The email was quarantined and a forward action was requested but it has failed.
Multiple - The email was quarantined and has had multiple actions performed on it; to see a description of these actions, hover your mouse over the multiple text and a pop-up appears. Multiple actions might include "released" and "forwarded".
Deleted - The email was quarantined and has now been deleted. It still appears in the search results, but the message itself has been deleted from the system. Clicking the message reveals the message log, rather than the message itself.
Discarded - Forcepoint Email Security Cloud discarded the message but did not report this to the sending email server which believes the message was delivered.
Rejected - Forcepoint Email Security Cloud rejected the message and reported this to the sending email server.
Reviewed and Not Reviewed Messages
Messages that have been reviewed are displayed differently from those that have not been reviewed. Reviewed messages appear in a slightly lighter shading and have an open envelope icon by them. Messages that are not reviewed have a darker shading and a closed envelope icon next to them. Messages can also be partially reviewed by end users from their personal email subscription report. These messages are shown as a partially opened envelope icon.
Downloading CSV results
You can download a comma-separated values (CSV) file of results from your query for use by other programs such as Excel to generate graphs or analyze the results in greater detail. The CSV download includes all instances of the messages per recipient.

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Message Center > Understanding your results
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