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Configuration Files > records.config
Help | Content Gateway | Version 8.1.x
The records.config file is a list of configurable variables used by Content Gateway.
Most values are set using controls in the Content Gateway manager. Some options can be set only by editing variables in the records.config file.
Do not change the records.config variables unless you are certain of the effect. Many variables are coupled, meaning that they interact with other variables. Changing a single variable in isolation can cause Content Gateway to fail. Whenever possible, use the Content Gateway manager to configure Content Gateway.
After you modify this file, to apply the changes run content_line -x from the Content Gateway bin directory (/opt/WCG/bin).
Each variable has the following format:
CONFIG variable_name DATATYPE variable_value
where DATATYPE is INT (an integer), STRING (a string), or FLOAT (a floating point).
In the following example, the variable proxy.config.proxy_name is of datatype string and its value is contentserver1. This means that the name of the Content Gateway proxy is contentserver1.
CONFIG proxy.config.proxy_name STRING contentserver1
In the following example, the variable proxy.config.winauth.enabled is a yes/no flag. A value of 0 (zero) disables the option. A value of 1 enables the option.
CONFIG proxy.config.winauth.enabled INT 0
In the following example, the variable sets the cluster startup timeout to 10 seconds.
CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.startup_timeout INT 10

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Configuration Files > records.config
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