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Overview > Proxy traffic analysis features
Proxy traffic analysis features
Help | Content Gateway | Version 8.1.x
Content Gateway provides options for network traffic analysis and monitoring:
Manager statistics and graphs show network traffic information. View graphs and statistics from the Content Gateway manager, or collect and process statistics using the command-line interface.
A variety of Performance graphs show historical information about virtual memory usage, client connections, document hit rates, and so on. View Performance graphs in the Content Gateway manager.
Manager alarms are presented in the Content Gateway manager. Content Gateway signals an alarm for any detected failure condition. You can configure Content Gateway to send email or page support personnel when an alarm occurs.
Content Gateway also sends select alarms to the Web module of the TRITON Manager, where they are referred to as alerts. Summary alert messages are displayed on the Web > Status > Today page. The full alert message is displayed on the Alerts page. TRITON administrators can configure which Content Gateway conditions cause alert messages to be sent, and which methods (email or SNMP) are used to send the alert.
Transaction logging lets you record information in a log file about every request the proxy receives and every error it detects. Use the logs to determine how many people use the proxy, how much information each person requested, and which pages are most popular. You can see why a transaction was in error and see the state of the proxy cache at a particular time. For example, you can see that Content Gateway was restarted or that cluster communication timed out.
Content Gateway supports several standard log file formats, such as Squid and Netscape, and its own custom format. You can analyze the standard format log files with off-the-shelf analysis packages. To help with log file analysis, separate log files so that they contain information specific to protocol or hosts.
For traffic analysis options, see Monitoring Traffic. For logging options, see Working With Log Files.

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Overview > Proxy traffic analysis features
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