Configuring TRITON Settings > Configuring two-factor authentication > Setting up attribute matching
Under Administrator Property, select the property from your user directory that will be used to match against the administrator's certificate. This can be:
The administrator Email address (local and network accounts)
LDAP distinguished name (network accounts only)
User name (local and network accounts)
A Custom LDAP field (network accounts only)
If you have defined a custom LDAP field, click Verify Administrator Property to confirm that the property exists in your user directory. Select a network administrator account to verify against.
Verify Administrator Property is available only if you have configured your user directory in the TRITON console, and you have set up at least one network administrator account.
Under Certificate Property, select the property in the administrator's logon certificate to match against the LDAP property that you defined:
Click OK.
Configuring TRITON Settings > Configuring two-factor authentication > Setting up attribute matching