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Message Center > Viewing message details
Viewing message details
Click a message subject to view details for that message.
This page explains why a quarantined message was blocked or if a message was classified as commercial bulk email and includes the message headers, message text, and details of any attachments. If the message has been analyzed by the File Sandbox and found to be suspicious, the page includes a link to the File Sandbox report. From this page you can perform the actions described in Performing actions on the results.
To download the quarantined message, click Download Message. (Administrators must have the View Quarantine policy permission to download quarantined messages.)
If you want to release or forward a message from this page, clicking Release or Forward to sends the message for any further processing before delivery. If you want to bypass any other processing rules that you have set up and deliver the message directly to its recipient, check the No further processing box before releasing or forwarding. We recommend that you review the message carefully before doing this.
For quarantined messages, you can also choose to allowlist or blocklist the sender's email address or domain. When you do this, the item in blocklist or allowlist becomes a per-user antispam policy within the email policy that applies to the intended message recipient. For more information, see Antispam exceptions.
Viewing logs
Click View log to see full details of the message processing and results. The log appears at the bottom of the message details page.
For a quarantined message, the log details provide the exact reasons for the quarantine. For example:
If email is classified as commercial bulk email, the message details page may also contain log lines indicating the action taken:
Managing quarantined images
If a message has been quarantined due to an inappropriate image attachment, a thumbnail of the image appears under Blocked Images at the end of the message log details. Note that you must have the "View Quarantine Images" permission to access these images.
If you consider a quarantined image to be acceptable, you can add it to the image allowlist by clicking Add to allow list under the thumbnail. If the image is already in the allowlist and you wish to remove it, click Remove from allow list.
The image allowlist can contain a maximum of 200 images; if you have already reached this limit, the Add to allow list option is greyed out.
For more information on the image allowlist, see Image allowlist.

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Message Center > Viewing message details
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