Installing components via the Custom option > Installing email protection components
In the Select Components screen specify whether you want to install the Email Log Server.
If TRITON Infrastructure is not found already installed on this machine, the Email Log Database screen appears. Specify the location of a database engine and how you want to connect to it.
Log Database IP Address: Enter the IP address of the database engine machine. If you want to use a named database instance, enter in the form <IP address>\<instance name>. Note that the instance must already exist. See your SQL Server documentation for instructions on creating instances.
Database login type: Select how Email Log Server should connect to the database engine.
Windows authentication: connect using a Windows trusted connection.
Database account: connect using a SQL Server account.
On the Email Database File Location screen, specify where database files should be located and then click Next.
Any email traffic log data that has been written to the database will be lost if you remove the database. If you want to keep this data, back up the esglogdb7x and esglogdb7x_n databases. See your SQL Server documentation for backup instructions.
On the Installation Folder screen, specify the location to which you want to install Email Log Server and then click Next.
On the Pre-Installation Summary screen, review the components to be installed. If they are correct, click Install.
The Installing Websense Email Protection Solutions screen appears, as components are being installed.
Installing components via the Custom option > Installing email protection components