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Upgrading Content Gateway to v7.7.x
Upgrading Content Gateway to v7.7.x
Deployment and Installation Center | Web Security Solutions | Version 7.6.x and earlier
This section provides upgrade instructions for software-based Websense Content Gateway installations. Upgrading Content Gateway on a V-Series appliance is handled by the V-Series upgrade (patch) process. See Upgrading V-Series Appliances to v7.7.
Perform an upgrade by running the Content Gateway installer on a machine with a previous version of Content Gateway installed. The installer detects the presence of Content Gateway and upgrades it to the current version. See Versions supported for upgrade.
System requirements
Before upgrading Content Gateway, make sure the installation machine meets the system recommendations in System requirements for Websense Content Gateway, including hardware specifications, operating system, and browser.
Upgrading distributed components
Websense Content Gateway is the Web proxy component of Websense Web Security Gateway and Websense Web Security Gateway Anywhere. Websense Web Security components must be upgraded prior to upgrading Content Gateway. To upgrade Websense Web Security, run the Websense installer on each machine running Websense Web Security components. Distributed components must be upgraded in a particular order. See Upgrading Websense Web Security Solutions.
Versions supported for upgrade
Direct upgrade to Content Gateway version 7.7.x is supported from version 7.6.x and higher. Upgrades from versions prior to v7.6.x require intermediate upgrades:
Follow the upgrade procedures documented with each intermediate version.
To perform an intermediate upgrade, download the installer package for the intermediate version from the Websense Downloads site.
Upgrading from version 7.6.5
Due to the timing of Content Gateway releases 7.6.5 and 7.7.0, an enhancement to the user authentication Fail Open feature that was introduced in 7.6.5 was not included in 7.7.0. The enhancement is included in version 7.7.3 and 7.7.4.
On upgrade to 7.7.3 or 7.7.4, the 7.6.x Fail Open setting is retained, as expect.
The setting of the option on upgrade to 7.7.0 is:
Preparing to upgrade
Configuration settings not preserved
The following configuration settings are not preserved and must be reconfigured post-upgrade:
Make a record of current IWA Settings prior to upgrade to be restored during Post-upgrade activities. For more information, see Integrated Windows Authentication in Content Gateway Manager Help.
New features to configure after upgrade
You may want to configure the following new and enhanced features post-upgrade.
For more information, see 7.7.3 Release Notes.
For more information, see 7.7.0 Release Notes.
Upgrading Websense Content Gateway
Complete these steps to upgrade Content Gateway on a server in a software-based deployment.
Upgrading Red Hat Enterprise Linux during Content Gateway upgrade
Version 7.7.0 runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0, 6.1, and 6.2, 64-bit, Basic Server. Version 7.7.3 and later support update 6.3, 64-bit, Basic Server.
Upgrading from a 32-bit to 64-bit operating system creates a change in system architecture that requires a specific upgrade sequence to maintain Content Gateway configuration settings.
Use the following sequence to upgrade Content Gateway 7.6.x on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 32-bit, to Content Gateway v7.7.x on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 64-bit:
cd ~/WCG/Current/
./wcg_config_utililty.sh create WCGbackup
This creates a backup, WCGbackup.tar.gz, in the current directory.
Copy WCGbackup.tar.gz to a reliable location on the network where it can easily be retrieved after the operating system upgrade.
Content Gateway is designed to run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Basic Server package. This is the default installation configuration and must be confirmed.
Copy WCGbackup.tar.gz, that was saved in step 4, to:
cd ~/WCG/Current/
./wcg_config_utility.sh restore WCGbackup.tar.gz
Upgrading from Content Gateway v7.6.x to v7.7.x
This section describes how to upgrade Content Gateway version 7.6.x to v7.7.x on your Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 installation.
Upgrading Content Gateway on a V-Series appliance is handled by the V-Series upgrade (patch) process. See Upgrading V-Series Appliances to v7.7.
Before you begin, be sure to read Preparing to install Websense Content Gateway.
Before you begin, ensure that /tmp has enough free space to hold the existing Content Gateway log files. During the upgrade procedure, the installer temporarily copies log files located in /opt/WCG/logs to /tmp. If the /tmp partition does not have enough available space and becomes full, the upgrade will fail.
If you determine that /tmp does not have enough space, manually move the contents of /opt/WCG/logs to a partition that has enough space and then delete the log files in /opt/WCG/logs. Run the installer to perform the upgrade. When the upgrade is complete, move the log files from the temporary location back to /opt/WCG/logs and delete the files in the temporary location.
For step-by-step instructions, see the Knowledge Base article titled Upgrading can fail if the /tmp partition becomes full.
Note: /opt/WCG is the version 7.6 installation location.
su root
For example, if you are running IPTables:
At a command prompt, enter service iptables status to determine if the firewall is running.
Download the Content Gateway version 7.7.x installer from mywebsense.com and save it to a temporary directory. For example:
mkdir wcg_v77
mv <installer tar archive> wcg_v77
cd wcg_v77
tar -xvzf <installer tar archive>
Respond to the prompts.
Content Gateway is installed and runs as root.
Warning: Websense Content Gateway requires at least 2 gigabytes of RAM.
Do you wish to continue [y/n]?
Enter n to quit the installer, and return to the system prompt.
Enter y to continue the upgrade. If you choose to run Content Gateway after receiving this warning, performance may be affected.
Read the subscription agreement. At the following prompt, enter y to accept the agreement and continue the upgrade, or n to cancel.
Do you accept the above agreement [y/n]? y
WCG version 7.6.n-nnnn was found.
Do you want to replace it with version 7.7.x-nnnn [y/n]? y
Stopping Websense Content Gateway processes...done
Copying settings from /opt/WCG to /root/WCG/OldVersions/7.6.0-1143-20110322-131541/...done
Copying SSL Manager settings to /root/WCG/OldVersions/7.6.0-1143-20110322-131541/...done
Moving log files from /opt/WCG/logs to /tmp/wcg_tmp/logs/...done
Previous install configuration </root/WCG/Current/WCGinstall.cfg> found.
Use current installation selections [y/n]?
Enter y to use previous installation selections.
Enter n to revert to Websense default values, and receive all installation questions and answer them again.
If you answered y at Step 11, then you can also leave proxy settings at their current values or revert to Websense default values.
Restore settings after install [y/n]?
Enter y to keep the proxy settings as they are.
Enter n to restore Websense default settings for the proxy.
If you answered n at Step 11, the current version of Websense Content Gateway is removed, and a fresh install of 7.7.x begins. See Installing Websense Content Gateway for a detailed description of the installation procedure.
*COMPLETED* Websense Content Gateway 7.7.0-1200 installation.
A log file of this installation process has been written to
For full operating information, see the Websense Content Gateway Help system.
Follow these steps to start the Websense Content Gateway management interface (Content Gateway Manager):
1. Start a browser.
2. Enter the IP address of the Websense Content Gateway server, followed by a colon and the management interface port (8081 for this installation). For example:
3. Log on using username admin and the password you chose earlier.
A copy of the CA public key used by the Manager is located in /root/WCG/.
If you chose to revert to Websense default proxy settings, be sure to configure any custom options.
/opt/WCG/WCGAdmin status
All services should be running. These include:
Post-upgrade activities
In version 7.7.x, when using Content Gateway with TRITON - Web Security, it is not necessary to enter a subscription key. The key is automatically fetched from TRITON - Web Security.
Register Content Gateway nodes in TRITON - Web Security on the Settings > Content Gateway Access page. Registered nodes add a link to the Content Gateway Manager logon portal and provide a visual system health indicator, a green check mark or a red X icon.
If you were using Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA), re-enable it and join Content Gateway to the Windows Domain. Configure IWA using the settings you recorded prior to upgrade. See Configuring Integrated Windows Authentication in Content Gateway Manager Help.
Complete support for GRE Return Method with WCCP is added in version 7.7.
If WCCP with GRE is already configured, the existing configuration continues to function as it did in v7.6.x. Note that Content Gateway Manager will produce an alarm suggesting that you update your configuration. Updating the configuration migrates the configuration to the new GRE support infrastructure. You do not have to change your configuration unless you want to add the GRE Return Method.
If you are using WCCP with Cisco ASA, after the upgrade your configuration continues to perform as it did with v7.6.x.
In version 7.7.0, should you need to reconfigure Content Gateway to work with your ASA device, set the Forward and Return Method to L2. This forces Content Gateway to negotiate the correct supported method.
In version 7.7.3 and beyond, should you need to reconfigure Content Gateway to work with your ASA device, access the Service group settings and select ASA Firewall from the Special Device Profile drop down box instead of individually selecting the GRE forward and return methods. This automatically selects the Packet Forward Method and Packet Return Method and sets some proxy internals.
In v7.7 (and beginning with v7.6.5), the Content Gateway default Root CA presented to clients is signed with SHA-1. In prior versions, the Root CA was signed with MD5.
It is strongly recommended that all instances of Content Gateway use the same Root CA, and that for best security the signature algorithm be SHA-1.
The best practice is to replace the Websense default Root CA with your organization's Root CA signed by SHA-1 or stronger. See Internal Root CA in Content Gateway Help.

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Upgrading Content Gateway to v7.7.x
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