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v8.5.3 Release Notes for Web Protection Solutions : New in Web Protection Solutions
New in Web Protection Solutions
Release Notes | Forcepoint Web Security and Forcepoint URL Filtering |30-Nov-2018
Product mapping
Version 8.0 was the first product release that used a new, simplified product naming and grouping of the familiar product line.
Version 8.4 then reset the product names to better align with the company vision.
Security enhancements
Forcepoint Security Labs Analysts continually assess potential security vulnerabilities which can be introduced by third-party libraries. Security improvements have been made in several areas in version 8.5.3.
In addition, numerous code changes were made to better handle directory service credentials as they are passed between Web Security components.
Protected cloud apps enhancements (Web Security only)
Integration of Forcepoint Web Security with Forcepoint CASB has been enhanced.
A link to the CASB SSL certificate needed for the CASB integration has been added to the Settings > CASB Configuration > Protected Cloud Apps page of Security Manager.
Use the new Download Forcepoint CASB Certificate link to copy the certificate to the local downloads folder. From there, deploy it to client machines as well as each Content Gateway server machine.
A new message displays on the Settings > CASB Configuration > Protected Cloud Apps page of Security Manager if the initial connection to the CASB server subsequently fails. The message is also intended to remind users that any edits made to the list of cloud applications would not be saved if the connection is lost.
Report Center enhancements
The Report Center tools now include new functionality and features.
Report Catalog enhancements
From the My Reports folder:
Not shared to remove sharing from the selection.
View only to allows others to run but not make changes to the report.
Allow editing to allow others to both run and makes changes to the report.
Shared reports are added to a Shared by Others folder. Each report or folder is marked with a sharing icon. Hover over the icon to view the assigned sharing permissions. Icons that include a lock indicate editing is not allowed.
When a folder is shared, the reports in the folder are added to a new folder which is listed under Shared by Others and named using the name of the user who shared the folder.
Report Builder and Transaction Viewer enhancements
Two new tabs have been added to the Detail view of Transaction Viewer and will appear when the log record contains the corresponding details.
Threat Details has been added to provide the details about any threat that may be associated with the request.
By default, 30 days of Threat Data is maintained in the Log Database. This value can be configured on the Web > Settings > Reporting > Dashboard page of Forcepoint Security Manager.
Forensics Data has been added and includes information about files associated with threat activity and attempts to access them.
When available, forensics data is included in the output when one of the export options is used.
Forensic data is available only if Store forensic data about Threat incidents for further investigation is selected on the Web > Settings > Reporting > Dashboard page of Forcepoint Security Manager. The type of data collected and length of time to store the data is also configured on that page.
Access to these tabs is based on the delegated administrator role and the Reporting Permissions assigned to it.
Report Center Scheduler enhancements
A new State column has been added to indicate whether a job is Enabled (runs according to the defined recurrence pattern) or Disabled (inactive and does not run).
The new History column provides a link to the new Job History page described below.
A new Next Scheduled column replaces the Started column and shows the date and time for the next run of the job. If the job is not rescheduled to run again, the column is empty.
As a result of the addition of this option, a change to the Status values was made. If a job has been rescheduled, that will be reflected in the reported job status.
Complete is now Completed (Rescheduled) to indicate that the previous job run completed and the job has been rescheduled.
Failed is now Failed (Rescheduled) to indicate that the previous job run failed but the job has been rescheduled.
Completed or Failed continue to be used for jobs that are not rescheduled.
New options have been added to Run Now, Enable, or Disable a job.
Select a job and open the More drop-down menu to run the job now, enable a disabled job, or disable a job to discontinue running it but keep it in the job list.
Jobs now include a configurable Start Time that is included on the Scheduling Options page when adding or editing a job.
Note that if multiple jobs are scheduled to run at the same time, one or more may fail. In this case, use the Run Now option to run the failed job and consider changing the Start Time for that job.
By default, the View only my jobs toggle is off when a Super Administrator opens the page and all jobs are listed. Toggle the switch to On to display jobs owned by the Super Administrator.
The availability of the Schedule icon is based on the delegated administrator permissions to use the Report Center Scheduler. The Schedule reports option must be selected in order to navigate to the Report Center Scheduler.
Select a different heading to change the sort. Select the heading a second time to reverse the sort. Note that sorting is not available on the Recurrence column.
Use the paging options at the top of the page to navigate through the list of jobs.
Reports that exceed a predefined maximum number of rows (by default, 100,000 for PDF files, or 300,000 for CSV), are attached but truncated.
If an email is sent with files attached, but the email fails, it is assumed that the mail server was not able to handle the attachments and a second email is sent that includes links to the reports.
If a job fails to run, an email notification is sent to the address defined in the new Specify the recipients of failure notification field on the Recipients page when adding or editing a job.
At least one entry is required in this field.
If at least one report fails, but others are successful, the job status is set to Failed. A failure email is also sent, but includes the reports (or links to the reports) that completed successfully.
Job History is now available.
On the Scheduler page, for a specific job, click the Details link in the new History column to open a page that includes:
Report Name -- the title of each report created each time the job ran.
Start Date -- the date and time the report started running.
End Date -- the date and time the report was complete.
Status -- indicates whether the report succeeded or failed.
Message -- provides relevant information about the job.
Use the Refresh button to update the history info with more recent job information.
Select any column heading to change the sort to that column. Select a column again to reverse the sort.
Use the Back button provided on the details page to return to the Scheduler page.
Breadcrumbs at the top of the page are also available to use to navigate back to the Scheduler page.
A Review Reports feature has been added.
When a scheduled job runs, the reports it generates are forwarded to the report recipients in an email and are now also stored in a folder on the disk. A record is also created in the Log Database.
Click Review Reports on the Scheduler page to open the new Review Reports window and view a list of all of the reports that were created each time a scheduled job ran successfully. Details include:
Report Name - the name of the generated report. This is typically the name of the report that is displayed in the Report Catalog.
Job Name -- the name of the job that generated the report.
Creation Date -- the date the report was generated.
Requestor -- the name of the administrator who scheduled the report.
Purge Date -- the date the report will be deleted from the disk.
The purge date is calculated based on the length of time configured on Settings > Reporting > Preferences.
File Size -- the size of the report file stored on the disk.
File size is converted and reported in an appropriate measurement (bytes, KB, MB, etc.). Each reported value includes two decimal places.
The list provided contains the reports created by scheduled jobs owned by the user accessing the page. This is also true for the Super Administrator. Unlike the list of scheduled jobs, the Review Reports page will include only the reports generated by the jobs owned by "admin".
The report is downloaded to the local downloads folder. Open or save the file to view it.
Reports are stored on the management server machine for a length of time configured on the Setting  > Reporting > Preferences page of Forcepoint Security Manager. Use the Store report for drop-down list to indicate how long reports are stored (5 days, by default). Also, define how long a warning is displayed on the Review Reports page before a report is deleted (3 days, by default).
To support this feature, the Setting  > Reporting > Preferences page has been edited to reflect support of these options for both Presentation Reports and Report Center Reports.
Configured sorts are maintained when using Refresh.
The page sorts by Creation Date, by default, with the most recent report listed first.
Select any column heading to change the sort to that column. Select a column again to reverse the sort.
Report files are saved as zip files in order to use the least amount of disk space. Reports that fail to generate due to insufficient disk space report "Low disk space" in the message column of the job history page.
If a report record fails to be added to the Log Database, the file is not saved to disk.
Delete a report by selecting it and clicking Delete. The report is removed from the management server and from the Log Database.
Reports that are stored for the length of time configured on the Setting  > Reporting > Preferences page are then automatically deleted from the disk and the corresponding record is deleted from the Log Database.
If the job associated with a report is deleted, the report remains on the disk.
Click Back or use the breadcrumb at the top of the page to return to the Scheduler page.
Delegated administration with Report Center
To support delegated administration with the new Report Center features, the Reporting Permissions section of the Delegated Administration > Add Role > Edit Role page of Security Manager had changed.
The Access the Threats dashboard option has been moved and renamed to Access Threat data (Threats dashboard + Report Center).
Similarly, Access forensics data in the Threats dashboard has been renamed to Access forensics data.
Use the new options to allow administrators to view the data in the two new tabs for the Detail view of the Transaction Viewer as well as to view the same data in the Threats dashboard.
View user names and hostnames in reports has been added under Access the Report Center. This option allows administrators to view user information when creating or viewing reports. When unchecked, an internally assigned user identification number displays wherever user would appear in a report. A hash of the hostname appears in place of the true hostname in Transaction Viewer details.
By default, the option is unchecked. For upgrades to 8.5.3:
The Schedule Reports option will continue to be enabled if it was enabled in the v8.5 settings.
When upgrading from any other version, the value of the option is determined by the current setting for View user names in investigative reports. or Access presentation reports. The new option will be enabled for all delegated administrators who previously had permission to view user names in investigative reports or to access presentation reports.
If the option is not enabled for a delegated administrator:
The same message appears in emails sent for scheduled reports.
This is also true of any Report Builder bar, trend, or pie chart generated for the same data.
When viewing a Report Builder report that was created with User in the Grouping field, the options to Show Only, Filter Out, or View Transactions are disabled.
The same is true if those details are exported.
However, scheduled jobs that were created prior to the option being disabled continue to be available for viewing, editing, and running. Scheduled jobs created when the option is disabled cannot include reports that include user information.
For delegated administrators assigned to multiple roles, the most restrictive role is used. Viewing the User and Hostname is denied if the option is unchecked for any of the assigned roles.
When a change is made to the setting, a message displays reminding the Super Administrator of the impact of the change.
General enhancements
The Health Alert associated with low disk space when generating reports has been updated to include reports generated from the Report Center as well as presentation reports.
Content Gateway enhancements
Enhancements have been made to Content Gateway.
Enable this feature by adding the following to records.config (located in /opt/WCG/config, by default):
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl_decryption.tunnel_TLSv13 INT 1
The current decryption process is applied to SSL connections whose "Client Hello" contains TLSv1.3 with other protocols supported by the WCG (such as TLSv1.2).
This feature is enabled using the following record.config variable:
CONFIG proxy.config.ssl.cert.verify.denysha1cert INT 1
With this setting, an error appears in Content Gateway Manager if an attempt is made to add a SHA-1 intermediate certificate.
Edit records.config (located in /opt/WCG/config, by default) and change the value to 0 to disable the feature and continue to use SHA-1 intermediate certificates.
Navigate to Configure > Security > Access Control > Global Authentication Options in Content Gateway Manager, and find the new Cookie Expiration section. Select Delete cookies upon logout to enable this new feature.
This feature is recommended in deployments where multiple users share a machine.
In earlier versions, Content Gateway sends a pregenerated dynamic certificate, generated using a predefined key pair, to clients, based on the Root CA. This new feature allows customers to specify their own base64-encoded key pair that is used, in place of the predefined pair, to generate the dynamic certificate.
A new Custom Certificate Key option has been added to Configure > SSL in the Content Gateway Manager. Select that option to:
Use Choose File to browse and locate the key to be imported.
Enter a Passphrase and then Confirm Passphrase.
Click Import Custom Certificate Key.
Enter the Key length.
Enter a Passphrase and then Confirm Passphrase.
Click Generate and Deploy Custom Certificate Key.
Click Save Custom Certificate Key to create a backup of the key that was imported or created.
The key format must be PKCS#8. See this article for information about converting to a PKCS#8 key type.
Other reporting enhancements
Enhancements have been made to the some of the other reporting tools.
Reports viewable from the Cloud Apps tab of Main > Reporting > Applications have been updated to display the user information in format used by Investigative Reports.
In addition, special characters can now be included in a user name when using the Search feature provided by the Cloud App reports.
General enhancements
Changes have been made in order to make the product more user friendly and to better protect our customers.
The Domain Discovery section of the Settings > General > User Identification > DC Agent page of Security Manager has been changed to remove the component selections for domain discovery. Domain discovery will always be done by DC Agent.
When upgrading to v8.5.3, the new database files will replace the existing files. Customers should be aware of the size difference and, prior to upgrading, confirm there is at least 6 GB of additional free space available on the Filtering Service machine.
Forcepoint Web Security Endpoint
New Forcepoint Web Security Endpoint builds are frequently released and we advise Forcepoint Web Security customers who use the Hybrid Module or whose deployment includes Forcepoint DLP to select the Downloads option from the My Account page to download the latest Endpoint build.
On the Downloads page:
Follow the instructions in the Installation and Deployment Guide for Forcepoint Endpoint Solutions to install and deploy the latest build.
Browser support
See the Certified Product Matrix for the latest list of supported browsers.
Logon application support
Logon Agent communicates with the logon application (LogonApp) on client machines to identify users as they log onto or off of Windows domains.
The logon application supports the following operating systems:
For more information about Logon Agent and the logon application, see the Using Logon Agent for Transparent User Identification white paper.
Third-party platform and product support
All components
This version adds support for:
This version ends support for:
See the full list of supported operating systems here.
See the Certified Product Matrix for the latest list of supported browsers.
Note that installing web protection components on Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2 requires Microsoft .NET Framework v.35 and v4.5. Install both and turn them both on before running the Forcepoint Security Installer.
Content Gateway
This version is supported on:
As a best practice, Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems that host Content Gateway should be registered with Red Hat Network and kept up-to-date with the latest security patches.
For a complete platform requirements information, see System requirements for this version in the Deployment and Installation Center.

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v8.5.3 Release Notes for Web Protection Solutions : New in Web Protection Solutions
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