Using Logon Agent for Transparent User Identification
Using Logon Agent for Transparent User Identification
Using Logon Agent | Forcepoint Web Security and Forcepoint URL Filtering | 29-Apr-2022
Logon Agent (also called Authentication Server) identifies users in real time, as they log on to domains. Logon Agent works with a logon application that runs on Windows or Mac client machines.
This collection includes the following articles to help you understand how Logon Agent works, configure Logon Agent, deploy the logon application, and troubleshoot user identification issues.
How Logon Agent identifies users
Components used for transparent identification with Logon Agent
Logon Agent deployment
Configuring Logon Agent settings in Forcepoint Security Manager
Deploying the logon application for Windows clients
Deploying the logon application for Mac clients
Configuring Logon Agent to ignore certain user names
Custom configuration for a Logon Agent instance
Logon Agent troubleshooting
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Using Logon Agent for Transparent User Identification
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