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Creating Custom Block Pages : Reverting to the default block pages
Reverting to the default block pages
Custom Block Pages | Web Protection Solutions | v8.5.x | 29-Apr-2022
If users experience errors after you implement customized block messages, you can restore the default block messages by deleting the custom block files and restarting Filtering Service. If there are no files in the custom directory, Filtering Service automatically resumes using the default block files.
Windows and Linux servers
On Windows and Linux servers, you can directly delete files from the Custom directory:
Delete all the files from the Websense/BlockPages/<lang_code>/Custom directory.
Use the Status > Deployment page in the Web module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to restart Filtering Service.
As an alternative, you can use either the Windows Services tool or the Linux WebsenseDaemonControl tool to restart the service.
Forcepoint appliances
On both V Series and X Series appliances, use the appliance API to delete custom block page files.
For information about the syntax used in the sample commands below, see the introduction to Working with block page files on appliances.
To delete the files and revert to the default block pages:
curl -k -u admin:<password> -X PUT https://<c_interface>/wse/customblockpage/delfile/<lang_code>/<file_name>
For example:
curl -k -u admin:<password> -X PUT
curl -k -u admin:<password> -X PUT https://<c_interface>/wse/admin/filter/stop
curl -k -u admin:<password> -X PUT https://<c_interface>/wse/admin/filter/start
For the complete list of files, see Get started with block page elements.
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Creating Custom Block Pages : Reverting to the default block pages
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