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Log Database sizing guidance
Administrator Help | TRITON AP-WEB and Web Filter & Security | Version 8.1.x
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It is difficult to make precise sizing predictions for the Log Database, because database size is affected by a number of variables, including the number of users and average requests per second. In addition, size is affected by whether the database is configured to:
Recording hits provides a high level of detail, but recording visits can reduce the size of the database by roughly 40%.
By default, all requests are logged as separate hits or visits. When you turn on consolidation, similar requests (by the same user, for sites in the same domain, that have the same action applied) in a defined time period are recorded as a single log record. This can reduce the size of the Log Database by roughly 60%.
Recording full URLs provides precise information about which sites a user has visited, but more than doubles Log Database size.
By default, requests for sites in all categories are logged. To reduce the size of the Log Database, you can stop logging requests for sites in categories that, for example, present no security risk or legal liability to your organization.
The impact of this change depends on the number of categories that are not logged, and how often users requests sites in those categories.
In order to create investigative detail reports that include browse time, the IBT job must calculate detailed browse time. Storing detailed browse time data, however, increases the size of the database, and may also affect database performance.
Storing trend data makes it possible to report on trends in users' Internet activity throughout the course of a day, week, or longer period, but storing trend data increases the size of the Log Database. The longer the data is stored, the greater its effect on database size.
Use the Growth Rates and Sizing chart on the Settings > Reporting > Log Database page to monitor the average daily size of your active and inactive standard logging partitions. This information may help you identify trends in traffic volume over time, and make it easier to plan for future growth.
As you collect average sizing information, adjust your rollover Initial Size and Growth settings (in the Partition Management section of the Settings > Reporting > Log Database page).
As a best practice, set the Initial Size value to approximately 80% of the average partition size over the rollover period (week, month, etc.). The idea is to:
Unused portions of the initial space allocated to a partition cannot be recovered until the partition is deleted.

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