Reporting Administration > Configuring Log Server
Provide the SQL Server location (IP address or hostname and instance name, if applicable) for the Microsoft SQL Server installation that hosts the Log Database, as well as the Connection port for sending data to the Log Database (1433, by default).
Enter the name of the Default database (wslogdb70, by default).
Indicate whether or not to Use SSL to connect to the Log Database. When SSL encryption is enabled:
When Microsoft SQL Server components are configured so that "Trust Server Certificate" is set to No (the default), self-signed SSL certificates are not accepted for encryption of database connections.
By default, SQL Server authentication is selected. To use SQL Server authentication, provide the SQL Server Account and Password to use.
Alternatively, you can use a Windows trusted connect (network logon account). The Websense Log Server service must be configured to run as this account.
Click Test Connection to verify that it is possible to connect to the Log Database using the credentials provided.
ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) inserts records into the database individually, using a database driver to manage data between Log Server and Log Database.
BCP (Bulk Copy Program) (recommended) inserts records into the Log Database in batches. This option offers better efficiency than ODBC insertion, and is selected by default if the bcp.exe file is found on the machine.
After entering the path, click Test Location to verify that the location is accessible.
For Cache location, indicate where on the Log Server machine logging cache files are stored (C:\Program Files\Websense\Web Security\bin\Cache\, by default).
Click Test Location to verify that the path is accessible.
For Cache file creation rate, indicate the maximum number of minutes (1, by default) Log Server should spend sending Internet access information to a log cache file before closing it and creating a new file.
For Maximum cache file size, specify how large a log cache file should be before Log Server closes it and creates a new one.
To minimize the size of the Log Database, mark Enable log record consolidation. This combines multiple, similar Internet requests into a single log record, reducing the granularity of reporting data.
If you enable consolidation, also specify the Consolidation time interval. This represents the greatest allowable time difference between the earliest and latest records combined to make one consolidation record.
Under Hits and Visits, use the Enable visits check box to indicate the level of granularity recorded for each user Internet request.
It is best to create a new database partition prior to changing the method of logging between visits and hits. See the Settings > Reporting > Log Database page to create a new database partition.
Reporting Administration > Configuring Log Server