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DC Agent Troubleshooting : DC Agent doesn't see some or all users
DC Agent doesn't see some or all users
Topic 51027 | DC Agent Troubleshooting | 12-Oct-2015
If DC Agent is installed, but user and group policies aren't being applied, DC Agent might:
The following error may accompany the problem:
WSDCagent : Error reading Config File: dc_config.txt Erroneous Entry: <string>
To troubleshoot issues of this type, see:
DC Agent is not receiving domain controller information
DC Agent can misidentify users if it is unable to get data from domain controllers, resulting in incorrect filtering behavior. This can happen if:
To enable the Computer Browser service, open the Windows Services tool, right-click Computer Browser, and select Properties. Change the Startup type selection to Automatic, then click Start.
To see which domains and domain controllers DC Agent has identified, go to the Web > Settings > General > User Identification page in the TRITON console, and click View Domain List (under DC Agent Domains and Controllers). This lists all domains currently being polled by all DC Agent instances in your network. The instances polling each domain are listed in the DC Agent Instances column.
If one or more domains is missing from the list, or if an instance is not polling the correct domains, see Configure which domain controllers DC Agent polls.
Use the Windows Event Viewer to check for the following error:
If your network includes multiple subnets, DC Agent may have problems communicating with Master Browser or domain controller machines in other subnets. As a best practice, install a separate DC Agent in each subnet to avoid problems gathering logon information from domain controllers.
Configure which domain controllers DC Agent polls
If DC Agent is attempting to poll domain controllers that don't exist, or if you have turned off automatic domain discovery and want to have DC Agent poll a new domain controller, edit the dc_config.txt file to configure DC Agent behavior.
Go to the Websense bin directory (C:\Program Files\Websense\Web Security\bin, by default) on the DC Agent machine.
Make a backup copy of the dc_config.txt file in another location.
Open the original dc_config.txt file in a text editor (like Notepad).
If there are domain or domain controller entries missing from the list, you can add them manually. Before adding entries, run the net view /domain command on the DC Agent machine to make sure that the agent can see the new domain.
Uncover DC Agent communication issues
In order to identify users, DC Agent uses DNS or NetBIOS to identify domains and domain controllers in the network. DC Agent may be unable to identify domain controllers if there are network communication problems, or DNS or NetBIOS configuration problems.
To identify these issues:
net view /network
For example, to find out if DNS resolves the hostname "testmachine1":
nslookup testmachine1
If the DNS lookup succeeds, the result looks something like this:
Server: testdns.test.example.com
Name: testmachine1.test.example.com
If you are using v8.1, use a similar command to verify that a reverse DNS lookup will succeed for a dual-stack (IPv4 and IPv6) client with IPv6 address "::ffff:A.B.C.D":
nslookup ::ffff:A.B.C.C
If the DNS lookup succeeds, the result looks something like this:
Server: testdns.test.example.com
Address: ::ffff:A.B.C.C
If lookup does not succeed, make sure you have a reverse lookup zone for IPv6 in your DNS.
If DC Agent is configured to use NetBIOS, attempt to telnet to a domain controller on port 139. If the telnet command is successful, you will see a blank screen. If unsuccessful:
netstat -na | find "139"
netstat -na | grep 139
Configure DC Agent to use only NetBIOS for user identification
Navigate to the Websense bin directory (C:\Program Files\Websense\Web Security\bin, by default) and open the transid.ini file in a text editor.
If the file does not exist, use a text editor to create a file called transid.ini, and add the following line to the top of the file:
Locate the or add the UseNetBIOS parameter, then set its value to True. For example:
Remove the XidDcAgent.bak file from the Websense bin directory.
The file is recreated when you start the Websense DC Agent service.
Start the Websense DC Agent service.

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DC Agent Troubleshooting : DC Agent doesn't see some or all users
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