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Integration Option Screen
Deployment and Installation Center | Web Security Solutions | Version 7.8.x
This screen appears if Filtering Service is selected for installation.
Indicate whether this is a standalone or integrated installation, then click Next.
Stand-alone: Websense Network Agent is responsible for monitoring all Internet requests and sending them to Filtering Service for evaluation. Network Agent also sends block messages to users attempting to access filtered content.
Integrated with another application or device: Content Gateway or a third-party firewall, proxy server, cache, or network appliance (integration product) is responsible for monitoring Internet requests and sending them to Filtering Service for evaluation. Supported integration options include:
In an integrated environment, Filtering Service sends block pages, if necessary, to users attempting to access filtered content. Network Agent is used only to filter requests on Internet protocols not managed by the integration product (for example, protocols for instant messaging). Network Agent sends block messages and alerts when necessary.
If you select the integrated option, the next screen prompts you to identify which integration product you are using.

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