Deployment and Installation Center
Websense TRITON Enterprise v7.6.x

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Custom Deployment > Installing Web Security components > Log Database Location Screen

Note that if TRITON Infrastructure is installed on this machine, the default database location information is taken from TRITON Infrastructure's configuration. Typically, you should accept the default in this case.
If the database engine is on this machine, the default location is the Websense directory (C:\Program Files\Websense). If the database engine is on another machine, the default location is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server on that machine.
It is a best practice to use the default location. If you want to create the Log Database files in a different location (or if you already have Log Database files in a different location), enter the path. The path entered here is understood to refer to the machine on which the database engine is located.
The directory you specify for the Log Database files must already exist. The installer cannot create a new directory.
You can also specify a particular database instance in this path. The instance must already exist. See Microsoft SQL Server documentation for information about instances and paths to instances.

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Custom Deployment > Installing Web Security components > Log Database Location Screen