Filtering port and Block page port: The filtering port is used by Filtering Service to communicate with other Websense components. The block page port is used by Filtering Service to send block pages to client machines. These ports must be in the range 1024-65535. These ports must be open on any firewall between the Remote Filtering Server and Filtering Service.
Filtering Service may have been automatically configured to use ports other than the default 15868 (filtering port) and 15871 (block page port). When Filtering Service is installed, the installation program checks whether these default ports are already in use on that machine. If either is already in use, the port is automatically incremented until a free port is found.
To find the ports used by Filtering Service, check the
eimserver.ini file—located in
C:\Program Files\Websense\Web Security\bin (Windows) or /
opt/Websense/bin (Linux)—on the Filtering Service machine. Look for the
WebsenseServerPort (filtering port) and
BlockMsgServerPort (block page port) values.