Deployment and Installation Center
Websense TRITON Enterprise v7.6.x

If your subscription includes Websense Web Security Gateway or Web Security Gateway Anywhere, select Websense Content Gateway as the integration product.
Integration with Forefront TMG requires a Websense plug-in. Complete this installation process and then install the plug-in on the Forefront TMG machine, using the separate Forefront TMG plug-in installer. For more information, see the Installation Guide Supplement for use with Microsoft ISA Server and Forefront TMG.
As the message indicates, complete this installation process to install Filtering Service integrated with Forefront TMG (and any other components you have selected). Then, run the separate Websense Forefront TMG installer, on the Forefront TMG machine, to install the filtering plug-in. See Installing the ISAPI Filter plug-in for Forefront TMG.
If you selected Filtering Plug-In for installation, the Select Integration screen shows only two options: