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Migrating TRITON - Web Security from or to an appliance : Moving from software to an appliance

Websense Web Filter, Web Security, Web Security Gateway, and Web Security Gateway Anywhere
TRITON - Web Security can be run on the appliance for testing purposes or in very small deployments. In most cases, it is not recommended to use the on-appliance TRITON console in production environments.
Make sure that you have a recent backup of your TRITON Unified Security Center installation. Even if your existing (off-appliance) TRITON console includes multiple modules, the on-appliance TRITON console will include only the Web Security module.
On the TRITON Management Server machine, go to Start > Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler.
Select Task Scheduler Library in the left navigation pane, then find the "Triton Backup" task in the content pane.
By default, backup files are saved in the C:\EIPBackup directory in a folder whose name is the date and timestamp indicating when the file was created.
Use an archiving and compression tool like 7-Zip to package the folder as a tar file, then compress it in gz format. Call the finished package EIP_bak.tgz.
Enabling TRITON - Web Security on the appliance
Navigate to the Configuration > Web Security Components page.
Under TRITON - Web Security, click the Enabled radio button, then click Import Configuration.
Click Browse to navigate to the backup file, then click Save.
When the success message is displayed, TRITON - Web Security is available on the appliance.

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Migrating TRITON - Web Security from or to an appliance : Moving from software to an appliance