User Identification > Configuring user identification methods
Server shows the IP address or name of the machine hosting the transparent identification agent.
Port lists the port that Websense software uses to communicate with the agent.
Type indicates whether the specified instance is a DC Agent, Logon Agent, RADIUS Agent, or eDirectory Agent. (See Transparent identification for an introduction to each type of agent.)
Click Apply computer or network policy to ignore user and group-based policies in favor of computer and network-based policies, or the Default policy.
Click Prompt user for logon information to require users to provide logon credentials when they open a browser. User and group-based policies can then be applied (see Manual authentication).
Specify the Default domain context that Websense software should use any time a user is prompted for log on credentials. This is the domain in which users' credentials are valid.
User Identification > Configuring user identification methods