Troubleshooting > Interoperability issues > The Sync Service configuration file
SyncServiceHTTPAddress: The IP address that Sync Service binds to for communication with Directory Agent and the Web Security manager. It must match the Sync Service IP address on the Settings > Hybrid Configuration > Shared User Data page.
SyncServiceHTTPPort: The port that Sync Service listens on for communication from Directory Agent and the Web Security manager (default 55832). It must match the Sync Service port displayed on the Settings > Hybrid Configuration > Shared User Data page.
UseSyncServiceProxy: Indicates whether Sync Service goes through a proxy to connect to the hybrid service. Values are true or false.
SyncServiceProxyAddress: The IP address of the proxy through which Sync Service connects to the hybrid service.
SyncServiceProxyPort: The port of the proxy through which Sync Service connects to the hosted service.
SyncServiceProxyUsername: The user name (if required) that Sync Service uses to connect to the proxy in order to contact the hybrid service.
SyncServiceProxyPassword: The password (if required) that Sync Service uses to connect to the proxy in order to contact the hybrid service.
Troubleshooting > Interoperability issues > The Sync Service configuration file