Reporting Administration > Log Database administration settings > Configuring Log Database maintenance options
For Maintenance start time, select the time of day for running the database maintenance job (01:00 hours, by default).
To permanently delete partitions based on age, select Automatically delete partitions when data is older than, and then specify the number of days (from 1 to 1825) after which to delete the partitions.
After a partition has been deleted, the data cannot be recovered. See Configuring database partition options for an alternative way to delete partitions.
Select Enable automatic reindexing of partitions, and then select a day of the week to have this processing performed automatically each week (Saturday, by default).
Select Process failed batches during the database maintenance job to have the nightly database maintenance job reprocess any failed batches.
Select Delete failed batches after and then enter a number of days (from 0 to 90; 20, by default) after which to delete any failed batches.
Select Delete the error log after, and then enter a number of days (0 to 90; 60, by default) after which to delete database error records from the catalog database.
Reporting Administration > Log Database administration settings > Configuring Log Database maintenance options