The Websense Master Database organizes similar websites (identified by URLs and IP addresses) into categories. Each category has a descriptive name, like Adult Material, Gambling, or Peer-to-Peer File Sharing. You can also create your own, custom categories to group sites of particular interest to your organization (see
Creating a custom category). Together, the Master Database categories and user-defined categories form the basis for Internet access management.
To suggest that a site be added to the Master Database, or that a site be moved from one category to another, go to and click
Site Lookup Tool. You are prompted to log on to MyWebsense, then given access to the tool, which allows you to verify the current category assigned to a site and request a new category.
When you create a category filter, you choose which categories to block and which to permit.
When you create a protocol filter, you choose which protocols to block and which to permit.