Computers: Individual machines in your network, defined by IP address.
Networks: Groups of machines, defined collectively as an IP address range.
Directory clients: User, group, or domain (OU) accounts in a supported directory service.
Apply the policy assigned to the user making the request. If that policy has no filters scheduled at the time of the request, use the next applicable policy.
If there is no user-specific policy, or the policy has no active filters at the time of the request, look for a policy assigned to the computer (first) or network (second) from which the request was made.
If there is no computer or network-specific policy, or the policy has no active filters at the time of the request, look for a policy assigned to any group to which the user belongs. If the user belongs to multiple groups, Websense Filtering Service considers all group policies that apply (see Enforcement order).
If no applicable policy is found, or the policy does not enforce a category filter at the time of the request, enforce the Default policy for the role to which the client has been assigned.