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User Identification > eDirectory Agent > Configuring eDirectory Agent > Enabling full eDirectory Server queries
Enabling full eDirectory Server queries
Web Security Help | Web Security Solutions | Version 7.8.x
In small networks, you can configure Websense eDirectory Agent to query the eDirectory Server for all logged-on users at regular intervals. This allows the agent to detect both newly logged-on users and users who have logged off since the last query, and to update its local user map accordingly.
When you enable full queries for eDirectory Agent, the User entry timeout interval is not used, because users who have logged off are identified by the query. By default, the query is performed every 30 seconds.
Enabling this feature increases eDirectory Agent processing time in 2 ways:
eDirectory Agent examines the entire local user map after each query, rather than identifying only new logons. The time required for this process depends on the number of users returned by each query. The query process can therefore affect both eDirectory Agent and Novell eDirectory Server response times.
To enable full queries:
On the eDirectory Agent machine, navigate to the Websense bin directory (C:\Program Files or Program Files (x86)\Websense\Web Security\bin or /opt/Websense/bin/, by default).
Locate the file wsedir.ini and make a backup copy in another directory.
Open wsedir.ini in a text editor (like Notepad or vi).
Go to the [eDirAgent] section of the file and find the following entry:
Make a note of the QueryMethod value, in case you want to revert to the default setting later.
Update the QueryMethod value as follows:
Note that the interval time is set in milliseconds.

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User Identification > eDirectory Agent > Configuring eDirectory Agent > Enabling full eDirectory Server queries
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