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This section outlines some common issues with single sign-on, with suggested solutions.
Check that the Always authenticate users on first access setting is enabled in your policy.
If you are still experiencing issues, contact Forcepoint Technical Support. Ensure you have gathered the following information:
If you receive a "Failed Authentication" page, save the HTML source. This contains technical information from your IDP on the nature of the authentication issue. See Failed Authentication page.
If possible, provide screenshots of your IDP configuration.
If applicable, obtain the event logs from your identity provider.
To help diagnose network issues, you can generate a .HAR (HTTP Archive) file to log your browser's interaction with a particular website. HAR files can be generated using Google Chrome's Developer Tools, as well as other software packages.
Capture your network traffic using a package such as Wireshark or FiddlerCap.
Failed Authentication page
The single-sign on error page includes information in the HTML source that may be useful in troubleshooting authentication issues.
For example, the HTML source for the error page shown above contains the following information in the <body> of the message:
<div align="center">
<div id="pagecontainer">
<img src="https://www.websense.com/images/block.png" class="icon" />
<h1>Failed Authentication</h1>
<div align="center">
We are unable to validate your credentials.
<br /><br />
Reason: Invalid response from authentication gateway
<!-- Technical Information: StatusCode=urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:Responder StatusMessage= -->
The "Technical Information" section provides detailed information about the failure. This information is provided by the identity provider, and is therefore dependent on which identity provider you have configured.
The example shown above is taken from Microsoft AD FS, and the error message details are available at the following URL: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh269642.aspx
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Document last updated: August 10, 2022

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