Defining Web Policies > Data Security tab (DLP Lite)
Click the Data Security block page link at the top of the Data Security tab in a policy.
Go to the Web > Policy Management > Block & Notification Pages page, expand the General section, and then select Data Security.
Select an action to take when matching data is detected. Select Block to prevent the data from being sent through the web channel. Select Monitor to allow it. (Incidents are created either way.)
Select an action to take when matching data is detected. Select Block to prevent the data from being sent through the web channel. Select Monitor to allow it. (Incidents are created either way.) You can filter by action in the Data Security Incident Manager.
Define new classifiers on the Web > Policy Management > Content Classifiers page. See Configure Content Classifiers for Data Security (DLP Lite) for instructions.
Select a severity for each classifier to indicate how severe a breach would be. Select High for the most severe breaches. Severity is used for reporting purposes. It allows you to easily locate High, Medium, or Low severity breaches when viewing reports.
In Trusted domains, enter the domains you do not want to be monitored, one entry per line. For example:
Click Select Categories to select website categories that do not require DLP analysis—for example, office collaboration sites.
Defining Web Policies > Data Security tab (DLP Lite)