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Defining Email Policies > Antispam tab > Uploading a allowlist or blocklist
Uploading a allowlist or blocklist
If you have permission to modify configurations, you can populate a allowlist or blocklist in a policy or exception by uploading an address list in a comma-separated value (CSV) file.
The header of the file must be this string exactly, "Address, Description" and every line must contain the following 2 fields separated by a comma:
The fields can be quoted or not. If a field contains a comma, it must be quoted. If 1 field is quoted, the rest of the line must be quoted. If a field contains a quotation mark, this character must be surrounded by additional quotation marks. If a line contains only 1 field, it is interpreted as the email address and the description is omitted. If a line contains more than 2 fields, the file is rejected and an error message is displayed.
For example:
Address, Description
"address1@domain1.com", "Description of address1, containing comma"
address1@domain1.com, Description of address1 without comma
"address1@domain1.com", "Description of address1, containing ""quotes""
"domain2.com", "Description of domain2"
To upload the file:
Click the link, Upload addresses from a CSV file.
Click Upload. Note that large files take a while to transfer to the server. If the file is empty, too large, or cannot be opened, an error results. An error also results if any of the elements are invalid.
You can also download the current addresses into a CSV file for viewing in a spreadsheet, or you can delete entries from the allowlist or blocklist by checking the box next to the address and clicking Delete.

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Defining Email Policies > Antispam tab > Uploading a allowlist or blocklist
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