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Account Reports > Scheduling reports
Scheduling reports
Related topics:
You can run reports as they are needed, or you can define a schedule for running one or more saved reports.
Reports generated by scheduled jobs are distributed to one or more recipients via email. The reports can be in HTML, PDF, or CSV format. There is a limit on the number of reports you can schedule for delivery: the Saved Reports list displays the remaining number you can schedule in addition to any existing deliveries.
To schedule a report:
Select Reporting > Account Reports > Saved Reports.
Otherwise, to create a new report for scheduling, click the Generate a new report link. The page that appears includes only reports that are eligible for scheduling.
Click Schedule email report.
If you enter an address with a domain not registered to the account, a warning appears when you save the schedule. Click OK on the warning to accept the address.
If you want to stop the a scheduled report temporarily, select suspend delivery.
Click Save.
You are returned to the Saved Reports list. Reports that have been scheduled display the recipient list in the Email to column. Click an item in this column to open the schedule, where you have the option to edit or delete the report delivery.

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Account Reports > Scheduling reports
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