Defining Email Policies > Antispoofing tab > DKIM Signing
Navigate to Email > Policies > [policy name] > Antispoofing tab.
On the Add DKIM Signing Rule page, enter a rule name.
Optionally, select Enable granular DKIM sender/recipient options to include or exclude specific senders, or sender/recipient combinations. Otherwise, click Submit.
Sign messages from these addresses to sign messages from specific addresses, or
Do not sign messages from these addresses to sign messages from all senders within your sender domains except specific addresses.
In the Senders field, enter one or more email addresses for the senders who will be included or excluded by this rule. Email addresses must be separated by a line break. Use * to include all addresses for a domain.
In the Recipients field, optionally enter recipients that will be included or excluded by this rule. Email addresses must be separated by a line break. Use * to include all addresses for a domain.
When Sign messages from these addresses is selected, only messages from a specified sender address to any of the entered recipient addresses will be signed.
When Do not sign messages from these addresses is selected, messages from all addresses within your sender domains will be signed, except for messages that are from a specified sender address to any of the specified recipient addresses.
Click Submit.
Defining Email Policies > Antispoofing tab > DKIM Signing