Configuring Email Settings > Email notifications > Adding notifications
Select Copy configuration from existing notification to use an existing notification as a template for creating this one. Selecting this option copies the following data from the specified message:
If you want to change the character set used in the message (UTF-8 by default), select Change character set and select from the drop-down menu.
Displays the date Forcepoint Email Security Cloud received the email that generated the notification. The date is based on the time zone set on the Notification Email screen.
If you want to edit a separate plain text version of the notification message, select Edit a separate plain text version.
If you want to send a separate version of this message to specific domains when this notification is enabled, select Send variations of this message for specific domains. The Add Domain Variation screen appears.
Select or enter the intended domain in the Domain field.
Specify a Subject line prefix (optional).
Click Save.
If you want to add additional variations for other domains, you can repeat this process by selecting Add variation (the button will be disabled when all domains have a variation assigned to them).
Click Save Changes when done.
Configuring Email Settings > Email notifications > Adding notifications