Installing Web Protection Solutions > Installing via the TRITON AP-WEB or Web Filter & Security All option
Download or copy the TRITON Unified Installer (the Windows installer) to this machine. The installer is available from, and the installer file is WebsenseTRITON80xSetup.exe.
On the SQL Server screen, select Use existing SQL Server on another machine, then specify the location and connection credentials for a database server located elsewhere in the network.
Enter the Hostname or IP address of the SQL Server machine, including the instance name, if any, and the Port to use for SQL Server communication.
Specify whether to use SQL Server Authentication (a SQL Server account) or Windows Authentication (a Windows trusted connection), then provide the User Name or Account and its Password.
Click Next. The installer verifies the connection to the database engine. If the connection test is successful, the next installer screen appears.
Select an IP address for this machine. If this machine has a single network interface card (NIC), only one address is listed.
Specify the Server or domain of the user account to be used by TRITON Infrastructure and TRITON Manager. The name cannot exceed 15 characters.
Specify the User name of the account to be used by TRITON Manager.
Enter the Password for the specified account.
On the Administrator Account screen, enter an email address and password for the default TRITON console administration account: admin. When you are finished, click Next.
On the Email Settings screen, enter information about the SMTP server to be used for system notifications and then click Next. You can also configure these settings after installation in the TRITON console.
If you do not configure an SMTP server now and you lose the admin account password (set on previous screen) before the setup is done in the TRITON console, the "Forgot my password" link on the logon page does not provide password recovery information. SMTP server configuration must be completed before password recovery email can be sent.
IP address or hostname: IP address or host name of the SMTP server through which email alerts should be sent. In most cases, the default Port (25) should be used. If the specified SMTP server is configured to use a different port, enter it here.
Sender email address: Originator email address appearing in notification email.
Sender name: Optional descriptive name that can appear in notification email. This is can help recipients identify this as a notification email from the TRITON Manager.
On the Pre-Installation Summary screen, verify the information and then click Next to begin the installation.
If the Multiple Network Interfaces screen appears, select the NIC that Websense components should use to communicate with Websense components on other machines, then click Next.
On the Policy Broker Replication screen, indicate which Policy Broker mode to use. If you aren't sure, see Managing Policy Broker Replication for assistance.
On the Active Directory screen, specify whether your network uses Windows Active Directory, then click Next.
If you are using Active Directory, the Computer Browser screen may appear. Click Next to have the installer attempt to start the service.
On the Integration Option screen, indicate how Filtering Service will be configured to receive Internet requests for policy enforcement, then click Next.
Install TRITON AP-WEB to connect to Content Gateway: Content Gateway is responsible for monitoring Internet requests, forwarding them to Filtering Service, and performing real-time analysis.
Install TRITON AP-WEB or Web Filter & Security in standalone mode (no real-time analysis): Network Agent is responsible for monitoring Internet requests and forwarding them to Filtering Service for evaluation. Network Agent also sends block messages.
Install Web Filter & Security to integrate with a third-party product or device: A third-party firewall, proxy server, cache, or network appliance (integration product) is responsible for monitoring Internet requests and sending them to Filtering Service for evaluation. You will select your integration product on the next screen.
If you selected "Integrated with another application or device" in the previous step, on the Select Integration screen, select the product you want to integrate with, then click Next.
On the Network Card Selection screen, select the network interface card (NIC) that Network Agent should use to monitor Internet activity, then click Next.
On the Log Database Location screen, specify a location (directory path) for the Websense Log Database, then click Next.
On the Optimize Log Database Size screen, select options for optimizing the size of log database records, then click Next.
When Log web page visits is selected (default), one record (or a few records) is created with combined hits and bandwidth data for each website requested, rather than a record for each separate file included in the request. This results in fewer records and therefore smaller databases, allowing for potentially faster report generation and longer storage capacities.
When Consolidate requests is selected, Internet requests that share the same value for domain name, category, keyword, action (like permit or block) and user/IP address, within a certain interval of time (1 minute, by default), are combined.
On the Feedback screen, choose whether to send categorization feedback to Websense, Inc., then click Next.
On the Web Hybrid Module Components screen, indicate whether to install Sync Service and Directory Agent, then click Next. These services are only used if you have purchased the Web Hybrid module for TRITON AP-WEB.
On the Transparent User Identification screen, select whether to use Websense transparent identification agents to identify users and then click Next.
Select Use DC Agent to identify users logging on to Windows domains to install Websense DC Agent on this machine. DC Agent polls domain controllers for information about user logon sessions, and can also poll user machines directly to verify the logged-on user.
Select Use Logon Agent to identify users logging on to local machines to install Websense Logon Agent on this machine. Logon Agent provides the highest level of user identification accuracy by identifying users as they log on to Windows domains.
Select Use both DC Agent and Logon Agent to use both of the agents that work with Windows Active Directory. When both agents are installed, DC Agent information is used as a backup in the unlikely event that Logon Agent is unable to identify a user.
Select Use eDirectory Agent to identify users logging on via Novell eDirectory Server to install Websense eDirectory Agent on this machine. eDirectory Agent queries the Novell eDirectory Server at preset intervals to identify users currently logged on.
Select Do not install a transparent identification agent now if:
On the Directory Service Access screen, supply a local and domain administrator account with directory service access permissions.
On the RADIUS Agent screen, select Install RADIUS Agent if you have remote users that are authenticated by a RADIUS server and then click Next. This allows Websense software to apply user- or group-based policies on these remote users without prompting for logon information.
On the Pre-Installation Summary screen, verify the information shown.
Click Next to start the installation. An Installing progress screen is displayed. Wait for the installation to complete.
Installing Web Protection Solutions > Installing via the TRITON AP-WEB or Web Filter & Security All option