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Changing the TRITON management server IP address, name, or domain > Changing the hostname or domain of the TRITON management server
Changing the hostname or domain of the TRITON management server
Deployment and Installation Center | Web, Data, and Email Security Solutions | Version 7.7.x
If SQL Server 2008 Express R2 is installed on the management server, perform the following steps before changing the hostname:
Use master;
sp_dropserver '<original_hostname>';
sp_addserver '<new_hostname>', local;
Replace <original_hostname> and <new_hostname> with the actual original and new (planned) names.
After changing the TRITON management server hostname or domain membership, do the following:
Note that changing the hostname or domain membership typically requires a reboot of the machine.
See Configuring TRITON Infrastructure to new IP address, hostname, or domain for instructions.
If SQL Server 2008 R2 Express (SQL Server Express) is installed on this machine, it is not automatically configured to use the new hostname or domain along with TRITON Infrastructure. It must be configured separately. See the following Microsoft article for instructions:
(TRITON - Web Security only)
Edit the TRITON - Web Security module's configuration to reflect the new hostname. See Configuring a new hostname for TRITON - Web Security.
(TRITON - Data Security only)
Modify the Data Security Management Server installation to reflect the change. See Changing the domain of the Data Security Management Server.

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Changing the TRITON management server IP address, name, or domain > Changing the hostname or domain of the TRITON management server
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