In v7.7 (as in v7.6.x), the default administrator account (with Global Security Administrator permissions) is admin. This account has access to all administrative and management functions for all modules of the TRITON Unified Security Center (the Websense management console).
This default account replaces the WebsenseAdministrator account from versions 7.5 and earlier.
Websense administrator accounts not authenticated against a directory service are referred to as local accounts. Local administrator accounts are brought into the upgraded system, but they must be assigned email addresses.
Websense administrator accounts authenticated against a directory service are referred to as network accounts. The directory service used to authenticate network administrator accounts prior to upgrade continues to be used by the v7.7 TRITON Unified Security Center. As part of the upgrade process, the email address associated with the account in the directory service (if any) is also associated with the account in the TRITON console.
If Other LDAP Directory is selected on the Settings > General > Logon Directory page in v7.5 TRITON - Web Security, the setting is changed on upgrade to
Generic Directory in the v7.7 TRITON Settings > User Directory page.
After upgrade, log on to the TRITON Unified Security Center and go to TRITON Settings >
User Directory to verify the configured directory service and make any changes necessary.
TRITON administrator accounts not authenticated against a directory service are referred to as local accounts. If an incoming (from backup restore or upgrade merge) local account matches an existing local account on both name and email address, it is merged with the existing account. The permissions currently defined for the existing account are used.
If an incoming local account's name matches an existing network account, it is imported but has its name modified by appending @local. For example, an incoming account with name
user would be imported into the TRITON Unified Security Center as
user@local. A Global Security Administrator or the appropriate Security Administrator must verify renamed accounts and resolve them with existing accounts as necessary.
TRITON administrator accounts authenticated against a directory service are referred to as network accounts. The currently configured directory service is used to resolve incoming accounts. If not directory service is currently configured, then the directory service used by the incoming accounts is used.
If an incoming network account's name matches that of an existing local account, it is imported but has its name modified by appending @network. For example, an incoming account with name
user would be imported into the TRITON Unified Security Center as
user@network. A Global Security Administrator or the appropriate Security Administrator must verify renamed accounts and resolve them with existing accounts as necessary.