Components > Logon Application
Logon Application works with Logon Agent. It runs from a logon script on a domain controller to capture logon sessions as users log on to, or log off of, Windows domains in the network. Logon Application, LogonApp.exe, runs as a process on client Windows machines. Upon log on, Logon Application identifies the user and sends the information to Logon Agent.Logon Application runs as a process on client user machines. It is not installed directly, but rather it is pushed out via Group Policy in Windows domains when employing Logon Agent for user identification.Logon Application runs only in conjunction with Logon Agent. The Group Policy on domain controllers must be modified so it launches Logon Application (LogonApp.exe) as part of the logon script. Client machines must use NTLM (v1 or v2) when authenticating users.
Components > Logon Application