Deployment and Installation Center
Websense TRITON Enterprise v7.6.x

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Adding or Modifying Components > Adding components to a filtering plug-in only machine

If you installed only the filtering plug-in on an integration product machine, you cannot directly add other Web Security components to it. The add component process requires certain additional Websense files to be present. During the original installation of the filtering plug-in, these additional files were not installed to minimize the installation size on the machine.
No other Websense components, other than Citrix Integration Service (i.e. the filtering plug-in) should be installed on a Citrix machine. Do not add components to it.
To add components to a machine on which a filtering plug-in is installed as the only Websense component, uninstall the plug-in (see Removing Components) and then run the Websense installer again to install the components you want. Be sure to select the filtering plug-in as one of the components to install when re-running the installer.
Do not install Websense Network Agent on an ISA Server machine, unless ISA Server is used as a proxy only and not firewall.

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Adding or Modifying Components > Adding components to a filtering plug-in only machine