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Creating Custom Block Pages : Change the block page logo
Change the block page logo
Custom Block Pages | Web Protection Solutions | v8.5.x | 29-Apr-2022
The master.html file also includes the HTML code used to display a Forcepoint logo on the block page. You can replace this with a custom image of your choice.
To update the logo in the master.html file:
Open the copy of the file in the Websense/BlockPages/<lang_code>/Custom directory (Windows or Linux servers), or download a copy of the file from your appliance:
curl -k -u admin:<password> -X GET https://<c_interface>/wse/customblockpage/file/default/<Lang>/master.html
curl -k -u admin:<password> -X PUT -F "file=@./<filename>" https://<c_interface>/wse/customblockpage/images
Open the copy of master.html in a a text editor or HTML editor.
<img title="Forcepoint" src="/Images/logo_block_page.png" alt="Forcepoint Logo" ... >
Replace logo_block_page.png with the location and name of the image file you want to display (for example, your organization's logo).
Replace the values of the title parameter and alt parameter to accurately describe the new image.
For example:
<img title="MyCompany" src="/Images/mycompany_logo_block_page.png" alt="MyCompany Logo" ... >
The default block page logo is 228 pixels wide by 54 pixels high. If you change the size of the logo dramatically, additional HTML or CSS changes may be needed to ensure that the logo and other elements of the page display properly.
For Filtering Service instances on Windows and Linux servers, use the Status > Deployment page in the Web module of the Forcepoint Security Manager to restart Filtering Service.
curl -k -u admin:<password> -X PUT -F "file=@./master.html" https://<c_interface>/wse/customblockpage/file/<lang_code>
curl -k -u admin:<password> -X PUT https://<c_interface>/wse/admin/filter/stop
curl -k -u admin:<password> -X PUT https://<c_interface>/wse/admin/filter/start
Block page changes do not go into effect until Filtering Service has restarted.

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Creating Custom Block Pages : Change the block page logo
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