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Using TestLogServer for Troubleshooting : Understanding TestLogServer output
Understanding TestLogServer output
Using TestLogServer | Web Protection Solutions | v8.4.x, v8.5.x | 29-Apr-2022
When you run TestLogServer, the output includes the following information, if available.
If you have enabled SIEM integration in the Security Manager, an additional SIEM Results section appears in the TestLogServer output. The SIEM Results section includes the following information. Note that information provided by Content Gateway is available only with Forcepoint Web Security.
If the request was to a cloud application, an additional Cloud App Results section appears in the output. The Cloud App Results section includes the following information.
The output for each request looks something like this:
Log Source= Integration
Client Hostname=
time= Tue Jul 18 11:41:33 2017
version= 6
disposition= 1026 - Category Not Blocked
URL= http://www.google.com/
protocol= 1 - http
port= 80
networkDirection= Inbound
method= GET
contentType = text/html;
categoryReason= 1 - Master Database: URL
bytes sent= 647
bytes received= 24041
file name=
True File Type= 0 - None
roleId= 8
user= WinNT://QA/qauser
duration= 719 ms
scan duration= 0 ms
policyName= role-8**Default
SIEM Results
protocol version= 257
server status code= 200
proxy status code= 200
client source port=49372
client destination port= 8080
proxy source=
proxy source port= 26615
user agent= Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729)
X-Forward For=
Cloud App Results
app id = 0
app name =
app risk level = 0
app category id = 0
app category name =
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Using TestLogServer for Troubleshooting : Understanding TestLogServer output
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