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Getting Started > Starting and stopping Content Gateway on the Command Line
Starting and stopping Content Gateway on the Command Line
Help | Content Gateway | Version 8.0.x
To stop or start Content Gateway from the command line:
To start the proxy:
./WCGAdmin start
To stop the proxy
./WCGAdmin stop
To restart the proxy
./WCGAdmin restart
To see what Content Gateway services are running:
./WCGAdmin status
After you have installed Content Gateway, open the Content Gateway manager (the management interface) to verify that the proxy is running. See Accessing the Content Gateway manager and Verifying that the proxy is processing Internet requests.
The no_cop file
The presence of the /opt/WCG/config/internal/no_cop file acts as an administrative control that instructs the content_cop process to exit immediately without starting content_manager or performing any health checks. The no_cop file prevents the proxy from starting automatically when it has been stopped with the
./WCGAdmin stop command.
Without such a static control, Content Gateway would restart automatically upon system reboot. The no_cop control keeps Content Gateway off until it is restarted with the ./WCGAdmin start command.
When the no_cop file prevents Content Gateway from starting, the following message is recorded in the system log file:
content_cop[16056]: encountered "config/internal/no_cop" file...exiting

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Getting Started > Starting and stopping Content Gateway on the Command Line
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