Statistics > My Proxy > Diagnostics
Result indicates whether the test is running, passed, failed, or could not complete.
Latency provides the round-trip latency of the Ping command used to test the connection. The value, reported in milliseconds, is the amount of time between the command being sent and the response being received from the server.
Details offers additional information for any test that failed or could not complete.
Ping, used to determine if a remote device can be reached across the network.
Traceroute, used to determine the path network packets take and measure delays across the network.
NSlookup, used to obtain domain name or IP address mapping.
TCPDump, used to analyze network packets.
Enter a server name for NSlookup.
Enter valid parameters for TCPDump. Click the link provided for additional information on using TCPDump with Content Gateway. View the same technical article using this link.
Statistics > My Proxy > Diagnostics