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Configuring the Cache > Partitioning the cache > Partitioning the cache according to origin server or domain
Partitioning the cache according to origin server or domain
Help | Content Gateway | Version 7.8.x
After you have partitioned the cache according to size and protocol, you can assign the partitions you created to specific origin servers and domains.
You can assign a partition to a single origin server or multiple origin servers. However, if a partition is assigned to multiple origin servers, there is no guarantee on the space available in the partition for each origin server. Content is stored in the partition according to popularity.
In addition to assigning partitions to specific origin servers and domains, you must assign a generic partition to store content from all origin servers and domains that are not listed. This generic partition is also used if the partitions for a particular origin server or domain become corrupt.
You do not need to stop Content Gateway before you assign partitions to particular hosts or domains. However, this type of configuration can cause a spike in memory usage and is time consuming. It is recommended that you configure partition assignment during periods of low traffic.
You can partition the cache according to host name and domain in the Content Gateway manager.
In the Content Gateway manager:
You should create a separate partition based on protocol (HTTP only) for each host and domain, and an additional generic partition to use for content that does not belong to these origin servers or domains. For example, if you want to separate content from two different origin servers, you must have at least three separate partitions: one HTTP-based partition for each origin server and a generic partition for all other origin servers not listed (the partitions do not have to be the same size).
On the Configure tab, click Subsystems, and then click Cache.
Click the Hosting tab and in the Cache Hosting area, click Edit File to open the configuration file editor for the hosting.config file.
Click Apply, and then click Close.

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Configuring the Cache > Partitioning the cache > Partitioning the cache according to origin server or domain
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