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User Identification > DC Agent > The dc_config.txt file
The dc_config.txt file
Web Security Help | Web Security Solutions | Version 7.8.x
DC Agent works by identifying domain controllers in the network, and then querying those domain controllers for user logon sessions. By default, the agent automatically verifies existing domain controllers and detects new domains or domain controllers added to the network.
For information about enabling domain discovery and setting the discovery interval, see Configuring DC Agent.
DC Agent stores domain and domain controller information in a file called dc_config.txt (located, by default, in the C:\Program Files or Program Files (x86)\Websense\Web Security\bin\ directory on each DC Agent machine).
Edit the dc_config.txt file to change which domain controllers DC Agent polls:
Go to the Websense bin directory (by default, C:\Program Files or Program Files (x86)\Websense\Web Security\bin) on the DC Agent machine.
Make a backup copy of the dc_config.txt file in another location.
Open the original dc_config.txt file in a text editor (like Notepad).
If DC Agent's automatic domain discovery has detected a domain controller that should not be used to identify users, set the entry to off, rather than removing it. Otherwise, the next discovery process will re-add the controller.
If there are domain or domain controller entries missing from the list, you can add them manually. Before adding entries, run the net view /domain command on the DC Agent machine to make sure that the agent can see the new domain.
Restart the Websense DC Agent service.

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User Identification > DC Agent > The dc_config.txt file
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