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Using RADIUS Agent for Transparent User Identification > RADIUS Agent deployment and configuration > Configuring RADIUS Agent settings in the Web Security manager
Configuring RADIUS Agent settings in the Web Security manager
Using RADIUS Agent | Web Security Solutions | Version 7.7, 7.8
Use the Settings > General > User Identification page to review and edit RADIUS Agent configuration information.
To edit settings for a RADIUS Agent instance:
If you have installed a new RADIUS Agent instance that does not appear in the list, click Add Agent, then select RADIUS Agent from the drop-down list.
Enter the Port that RADIUS Agent should use to communicate with other Websense components. The default is 30800.
To establish an authenticated connection between Filtering Service and RADIUS Agent, select Enable authentication, and then enter a Password for the connection.
Next, customize global RADIUS Agent settings. By default, changes that you make here affect all RADIUS Agent instances. Settings marked with an asterisk (*), however, can be overridden in an agent's configuration file to customize the behavior of that agent instance (see Custom configuration for a RADIUS Agent instance and RADIUS Agent initialization parameters).
Under RADIUS Server, enter the RADIUS server address or name. If you provide the IP address, use IPv4 address format.
RADIUS Agent forwards authentication requests to the RADIUS server, and must know the identity of this machine.
If your network includes a RADIUS client, enter the RADIUS client address or name. If you provide the IP address, use IPv4 address format.
Websense software queries this machine for user logon sessions.
Enter the User entry timeout interval, used to determine how often RADIUS Agent refreshes its user map. Typically, the default query value (24 hours) is best.
Use the Authentication Ports and Accounting Ports settings to specify which ports RADIUS Agent uses to send and receive authentication and accounting requests. For each type of communication, you can specify which port is used for communication between:
When you are finished making configuration changes, click OK to return to the Settings > User Identification page, then click OK again to cache your changes. Changes are not saved until you click Save and Deploy.

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Using RADIUS Agent for Transparent User Identification > RADIUS Agent deployment and configuration > Configuring RADIUS Agent settings in the Web Security manager
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